Thursday, April 22, 2010

How this started

Last Sunday, I was sitting with my wonderful fiance, Glynnis, and our friend Michael enjoying a beautiful spring day. We were at Michael's house tasting our way through an afternoon with three bottles of rose and I thought what a fun way to spread the word of how wine can bring people together. As the rose continued to flow, the idea became a little more clear and I decided that I would taste a bottle of wine a day and write about my thoughts on the wine as well as provide some background on the region, the grape, the producer, the vineyard, the price, and general availability.

The plan is to pick a region a week and taste a different bottle each day. Sunday starts my tour of Chile. It's starting to turn warm in Kentucky and crisp Sauvignon Blancs are on my mind...although, I'm sure there will be a big Cabernet or a soft Carmenere thrown in for good measure.


  1. sounds like an excuse to drink wine every day....I think you are jealous because I get paid to drink wine everyday!!! Really into Chilean Sauvignon Blancs right now....also have a line on the new 'Los Rocas'.....what will you be drinking tomorrow?

  2. a wine a day? I see weekend parties ahead, to clear out the unfinished wines of the week.

  3. Glad I finally got around to checking out your blog (I work at The Wine Rack on Frankfort Ave)... I like what you're doing here. I am also working on a wine blog but with a slightly different perspective - I am also doing short wine reviews, but it is more about documenting my tasting experiences and my learning experiences and sharing that with others - so it's pretty damn close but a different format - check it out if you have a minute.
